Blue-White Industries A-100N F Series Peristaltic Metering Pump
Item #A1N00F-7T
- Feed rates from: - 0.10 to 5.17 gph - 6 to 326 mL/min
- Output pressures up to 100 psi.
- Self priming
- Variable speed drive results in near continuous chemical injection
- Patented Tube Failure Detection (TFD)
- Available for Digital Model Series A-100NV - Digital touch pad - output percentage speed adjustment - Accepts 4-20mA, 0-10VDC, and pulse input signals
- Available for Standard Manual Model Series A-100NF - Easy Dial knob style - output percentage speed adjustment - Range: 5-100%
Patented TFD (Tube Failure Detection) system protects against chemical spills from a worn out tube and activates an alarm output relay. The A-100N Series is self-priming against maximum line pressure and cannot vapor-lock or lose prime. Four pump tube material options: Norprene®, Norprene® Chemical, Tygothane®, and FKM.