Gooseneck Faucet Polypropylene Wall Mount Mini Sanitary Clamp Recir
Item #GT133750A
- Nonmetallic contact
- Available in unpigmented natural polypropylene or PVDF and meets or surpasses FDA, USDA, and USP standards
- Tri-clamp connectors are standard with optional ½" MPT, ½" FPT, socket fusion or compression connector
Sani-tech Sanitary Goosenecks Faucets utilize the same nonmetallic contact services as the sanitary piping systems. They are available in unpigmented natural polypropylene or PVDF materials and meet (and/or) supass FDA, USDA, and USP standards. They are speciafically designed for ultra pure water systems within biotechnology, pharmacetical, microelectronics and related R&D laboratory areas. A variety of connective technologies, are available as options including: male or female pipe threads, socket fusion, and compression fitting styles.