Base Fixture Deck Or Wall Mount Polypropylene 3/8" FPT with Needle Valve

Item #LB-V-2
  • Complete line allows total design flexibility
  • Beautifully finished to enhance all installations
  • All injection-molded, rugged design and construction
  • Available in: gray PVC, unpigmented high-purity polypropylene, and PVDF
  • Standard 3?8" FPT inlet connection
  • Outlet barb fitting connects to different size tubing
  • “L Series” needle valve offers all new PTFE sealing for extended life: PTFE on/off seal is easily replaced in the field, no tools required Exceptional low torque on/off operation
  • Gooseneck component is heavy wall, custom extruded for increased rigidity
Lab faucets are available in several materials including PVC, natural polypro and high purty PVDF. There are no metals or elastomers used in the faucets. Typical applications include dispensing of UPW, pharmaceutical preparations, antibiotics, vaccines, protein solutions, immumulogicaks, virus suspensions, radio diagnostics, enzymes, reagents, salt solutions, serum, and biologicals.

ManufacturerMarquest Scientifc
Connection TypeFPT
Seal MaterialFPT